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Desserts Vegan
By Katarina Serves: 16


  • Basis:
  • 3 tablespoons of oat flour
  • 50g of ground hazelnuts
  • 50g of coconut fat
  • 1/2 of banana
  • 70g of dates
  • 1 dcl of rice milk
  • Cream:
  • 50g of finely ground coconut flour
  • 100g of cashew nuts
  • 100g of almonds
  • 400g of fresh strawberries
  • 40g of coconut fat
  • 3 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla paste
  • 1.5 dcl of rice milk
  • Topping:
  • 350g of fresh strawberries (100g are for chocolate)
  • 85g of chocolate without added sugar
  • 4cl of rice milk
  • Almond flakes




Soak hazelnuts and dates in water for at least a few hours. Drain and wipe them with a towel. Cut the dates into small pieces and grind them together with the hazelnuts with a blender. Stir in melted coconut fat, banana, oatmeal and rice milk. Place the resulting mixture in a cake model of 26 cm and spread it evenly over the model’s surface. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes.



In the meantime, prepare the cream. Grind cashews and almonds in an electric mixer to form a finely ground flour. Add peeled and sliced ​​strawberries, coconut flour, maple syrup, vanilla paste, rice milk and melted coconut fat. Mix everything together in a blender until the cream gets smooth. Spread the cream evenly over the first layer. Place the cake model into the refrigerator overnight for the cream to harden.



Prepare the chocolate topping for strawberries by melting the chopped chocolate in a pan over steam and adding rice milk. Dip the strawberries in the resulting topping. Wait a few seconds for the excess topping to drain, then place them on a baking paper. Once the topping has cooled, place the strawberries on a plate and store them in the refrigerator to harden. In the morning, decorate the cake with fresh and chocolate strawberries and almond flakes.
