A smooth sea never made a skilful sailor. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

My name is Katarina and I’m 29 years old. What matters the most to me is my family. I have a Master’s degree in International Business, and I am a Human Resources Representative by profession. I believe that with persistence and focus, one can achieve every goal set. Furthermore, comfort zone kills progress. Challenges are designed to get us out of the comfort zone so one must always be open to new challenges.

I am passionate about innovation, digital marketing and website editing. In my spare time I like to blog, cook, clean, travel and do sports.

I created a culinary blog because of my love for writing, cooking and trying out new recipes. I also enjoy decorating and photographing food. I strive for a healthy and wholesome diet. Most of the time, I cook for my family, and I spoil my friends and colleagues with some yummy desserts. You’ll find a piece of everything on my blog – ideas for breakfasts, lunches and desserts, as healthy as any other recipes. Enjoy!